Monday, January 25, 2010

Postive Light

Will the sun ever come out again?? Sheez...These dreary rain soak, dull shitty days are not helping improve my temperament. So after the last few days of some soul searching, I have decided to do something constructive. A girls group/coffee house weekly meeting for over 40 lesbians. I have done some research and have come to the conclusion that there are more unhappy lesbians than happy. I am including myself in this group but I have an excuse. I'm menopausal! Okay...its not all that but I spoke to my cousin and she says if I take Vitamin B6, some of my depression will lift but will it solve unhappiness? No..I think not! I never realized how many people are so lonely and unhappy in this city! Gay and straight. I've spoken to woman in my gym, people on the street and friends and there is a sucks!

So I decided to be constructive. I put out an add to all the lesbians in my community to join me once a week for tea, coffee etc...I hope we will have lively conversation, lots of laughs and just relax and get to know each other. I'll see how it goes and if it goes well, set this up as a weekly get together. Who knows...maybe we can resolve life's little mystery's! Signing off for now!


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