Tuesday, February 12, 2013


There are words that are said/written that for lack of a clearer definition, are delivered with such cruel intent that I have to ask myself, what have we done to each other to be at this point in time?

"You're not that complicated. Your needs and wants are fairly basic and simple. Like you." I am not normally a super defensive person. It's truly not in my nature but due to the heightened state of disintegration of my relationship with Trish, Such words carry sooo much weight that they cut...they hurt and they were meant to because I'm not delivering the goods.

I am not stepping up to the plate and I am not the lover she wants or requires and I guess that statement works both ways. I am tired and have been for awhile. From the very beginning of this relationship there was a tug of war. Not only were needs not being met but our individual visions of what we wanted from life and relationships has been on such different levels and different realities that no amount of perseverance has been able to bring us to a place of cohesion and peace .

I am a lesbian. What that means to me is so varied and layered. Complicated, emotional and as dramatic as it may be, that is who I am. I am also damaged. I admit that. Who isn't though? What I am trying to get at is maybe Trish and I should never had taken this journey together? We were/are so different in those base, fundamental needs and requirements to create a happy life together.

Trish has been right about one thing in particular and I will admit it now. I was trying to create her. I was trying to mold her into what I believed was the ideal Lesbian. That I didn't appreciate who she was and what her essence brought to the table, would be a lie. I loved her for who she was but I wanted to help her find her voice and mix who she was with what I wanted.

Was that my place my responsibility? No...I should have allowed her to find her own way but my insecurities and my history as a lesbian woman had no patience for her journey. I was not prepared for the long process of Trish's coming out. I wanted it all together in a nice neat package.When I first made love to a woman,I found my voice and my home but for Trish, it was a long complicated process and it was made more complicated, anxiety ridden and painful because I made it that way.I should have never been her first! I should have been her next.Trish should have flowered, found herself and her place as a lesbian. All I cared about is that I loved her and wanted her in my bed. I wanted what I wanted at all costs. I didn't think logically or about her needs. I didn't listen to my warning bells or to her. I threw caution to the wind and only followed my heart and now?

Now...we are here. In this place of pain, hurt, anger and resentment. We don't truly speak to each other. Its been a very long time since we trusted each other and after so many battles, words of pain and anger, I am the selfish, self absorbed bully and she is the manipulative, cruel bitch. Underlining all of this is deep hostility and it will not end well.

I wrote a while back (that seems like an eternity now)about how we had broken up and not seen each other in years and by chance, ran into each other at a street corner. We exchanged pleasantries and I was thinking how strange it was that the person I shared all of myself with, made love to in so many ways that I lived with and breathed in everyday was now standing with me on a street corner exchanging niceties with me and that dream was just a sweet memory and nothing more. You could see the sadness of what was and what could have been in our eyes for only a second, that neither one of us actually recognized it. Maybe later in the day, maybe over dinner with our new partners or just hanging with friends, the memories might flood back with such clarity that your breath gets stuck and then.....its gone. Just like that. Maybe.

I've droned on for awhile now, trying to be as honest as I can with myself. Right now all Trish sees is unhappiness with me and all I see is unhappiness with her.

We once loved each other even through all the storms....that's over now and that, is how simple it is.

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Price of my temper

I have a temper. A pretty mean one actually. In the past I've been known to throw things, slapped a lover for cheating on me....once, said things that are abusive and scared the hell out of many woman in my life. I grew up with this behavior as part of my "normal" upbringing.

I'm a great person that doesn't believe they are a great person. I pick woman that push my buttons and I let them. I have very little self confidence and very little respect for myself. If I was much surer and less damaged, I do believe I would receive what I need and should have. The disrespect and bulling I seem to entice is nothing that I haven't put out there myself. As the Buddhists saying goes, you get what you put out into this universe and that mantra is my emotional life.

I am now in a place where I could make some choices of bravery. I am a coward when it comes to what I need. There's two kinds of selfish behavior in my opinion. There's the kind that rarely gives out to others unless they get something back in return and then there is the more damaging....selfish to ones self. Selfish to the point that you wont give to your heart what it truly needs because your scared and a coward. Selfish to live a life unfulfilled because its safe. So you stay unhappy in your relationships and with the world around you. I am selfish to myself for not living a better life.

The price for temper? Is the same price for an unhappy life. People who love you, stop trusting you. They are cruel in return and keep you at a distance as you are toxic for them.

What I want, I am not getting. I chose a road most traveled over the right one. I always make that choice.

So ...what can I do for myself? What changes can I make that wont scare the shit out of me but allow me some small bits of happiness?

Trish doesn't like it when I ask questions but for me, my fear demands answers. My demons require it.

There is a price for everything you don't allow yourself to be.

Saturday, February 9, 2013


For so long I've been accused of being selfish. My needs come first, that I am self centred and its all about me. I've heard this all before and know the reteric soooo well. I grew up with it.

When I think about it though, am I truly selfish or easily manipulated?? I have had money taken (stolen) and never returned, I have given up my happiness to fullfill someone elses and have taken care of the people I love.

My weakness and irony? I am a manipulator of love. All I want in return is your undying love, loyalty and a feeling of safety. I will kanive, manipulate and use all the drama in my arsenol to get it. Another question....why do I have to do this?? Simple....I'm picking woman that don't give it freely. I am a Freudian child. Edipus complex personified!! Picking my mother over and over again. Still wanting, craving a love that I will never get. I am not being feed by myself or by the person I am involved with.

Guess I answered my own questions.

Friday, February 1, 2013


Does she still love me, does she want to leave me for good? There seems to be a misery about her since I came home from house sitting. A tension... I feel so uncomfortable and stressed as it seems that no matter what I say or do...it's off. I'm acting weird as well. Talking about my physical ailments as if it's conversation. Trivial stuff, nattering to fill the gaps of uncomfortable silences and my body hurts and I'm starting to hide in my room for comfort and trying to obtain some sort of safety...is this part of the mental place I'm in?

Trying to find things to say as my voice goes up higher. I'm weird-ed. I asked her last night if she still wanted to move out in April. Got kind of a stare, then a I'm not sure, then "I don't want to talk about it. "

We are suppose to have a "play" night Saturday but her discomfort with me, may postpone it. Who wants to be intimate and playful, when things are so weird??

Almost every time she's around me or has to interact with me, there's very little eye contact or real desire to just be with me. A cat in a cage is not a happy cat!

I'm not sure what to do as shes not speaking to me about any of it. so I guess I'll give her space and see what happens. On the Levesque front, Trish is right that I have to get a handle on the junk food. Only had a kitkat bar last night and that satiated my junk food craving. Gotta stay focused. Trish did help in making me aware last night as I wanted to reach for chips out of reflex but because she's not happy right now...well... I just wish it came from a less critical place.

Sigh...life is not so good right now.