Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Lesbian Shuffle - Part 2

The curve of your face as I gently kiss your lips falls into my hand.
I feel your body hum as I touch you in the places that send you into ecstasy and
then...I wake up from this dream and I am alone...

Your smell still so strong in my nostrils, the taste of your lips, the wetness of your pussy still lingers on my finger is torture...I stare away...
tears well up...

remembering your laugh and the deep mysteries of your eyes haunt me...
I will go out tonight trolling the bars for young girls...I need to forget forget you were the one I let go...that slipped between my fingers.
I need to fall between someone Else's thighs to erase your smell or I will go mad.

I'm not looking for a "love connection"....still feeling the fall out of you leaving me for good...the pain is fresh and inescapable.
It's the aloneness. that I want to escape from....the memories that haunt me.

Alcohol and woman...amusements and escapes from my past. I will feel nothing except the warmth of another human being...for a moment...get lost in the pretend..the sex...and try very hard to forget you and it will be a lie. I know
it is but....
As a young woman walks by me and gives a look of want, I will grab her hand and for a brief while....delve into painless illusion and breath for a moment.

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