Count your blessings that you are not me.
I am the player, the rogue,
the possibility of finding happiness ....
is questionable.
I strut, I swagger, I blatantly stare and lust and when I am close to your ear,
I whisper what could be possible.Always in Character, always controlled, always alone.
I am the player. Too lazy, too Grey, to distant for emotional entanglements only wanting the fantasy,
the immediate heart pounding seconds that thrill, the conquest.
A player with only one agenda. To feel a hot wet pussy,to fulfill a woman desires and needs....her begging for release....and you give none...
its not your way.It's the tease you are addicted too. Its the dance of passion you live for. You are a slave to your own fantasy.
I am the player. I know no other way to be, to exist.
You ask for more, to take away the fantasy I have created and replace it with
A life, a chance at a relationship, a chance at being real, just a chance.
I am the player, that has played myself out of time, out of wanting more, of
feeling what I need to feel, to love.
The player that stands alone and has no place to go.
You do realize what a contradiction you are, right?