I am the dreamer, the romantic...
I live in my head...
I live in my heart...
I live in a place of fairy's
and I try to stay away from the harshness
of reality.
I am aware of this world.
I have to live here....
Can I take you with me to mine,,,, from time to time?
I know I frustrate you with my fluidity...
my lack of focus...my forgetfulness.
You have the strength to live here.
You do bring me to this reality, to share my life with you..
I know it's a struggle as you don't understand where I go...
why I go....but your strength, your love, I am ever cognisant of your power.
I admire and detest your realism.
but...I can transport you to my world so easily.
you are the one who sees...
You are a writer after all! You see my stories, you are able to fly with me...
Such an amazing gift, don't you think?
You can live in both worlds effortlessly. Again...I admire you.
I struggle daily to stay in this world and not fade into the other.
Where.... you move through them as if there is no door!
You are capable of such great things.
I may never say this enough and I now know I don't.
You are my love, my muse.
I need to let you, be you.
I idealize you but at the same time, know you.
I romanticize you but am aware of your struggles, your pains, your life.
I dream of you but need to accept your realities.
You remind me what I am here for. What I need to accomplish and what...
the prize is...
what is waiting for me in this world.
I need to be able to make you happy in my love of you.
That is my journey to your heart and soul.
It will also lead to my own happiness.
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