How To Get Along – Gemini and Pisces
The Twin and The Fish
This series on AstroCompatibility will cover all of the potential matchups in the Zodiac. We will continue this series thinking about and commenting on Gemini and Pisces. You can get an EBOOK with all 12 sun signs matched, for each sun sign, including of couse, Gemini or Pisces at the new website: by Christofer.
Pisces is a Mutable Water Sign. Gemini is Mutable Air. Then think about the fact that both of you have this “two ness”. Pisces is a fish going in two different directions. Gemini is at least two people waking up each morning. It should give you a sense of comfort, while you whistle in the dark. Plainly, the biggest difference is that one of these abides in the stratosphere, and the other can be comfy in the deepest oceanic depths. Willingness becomes then, the key word. How much do they care for each other? Their oppositional elements can definitely go together, but they both have to be willing to get an “E Ticket” to the others’ territory. If Gemini demands selfishly to insist on not entering emotional quandaries, Neptunian insights, psychic discussions and topics about the subconscious, then maybe the Twin is not ready for the Fish. Conversely, the Fish would have to let the water stream from its gills and agree to go on an all-things-are possible trip soaring through the clouds. If the Fish is too reluctant to entertain this possibly uncomfortable aspect to the fast moving Gemini, then maybe it’s not for the best.
Piscean mystery has to do with the fact that they are both super wise, and somewhat out of it. It’s as if they are given a motion picture insight into everyone they meet, but self-understanding sometimes eludes them. Like a camera man who forgets he is a camera man and over identifies with the film, the Fish can forget. And sometimes, it’s a deep forgetfulness. There is potential beauty here though. If Gemini finds this Pisces, they can help lift, identify and classify the fishes’ soulfulness, give it a name, scrub it up and write a no nonsense story of resurrection for the one it loves.
Positive Postulate:
Framed positively, both the Fish and the Twin have to look at their harmonics. The Pisces can add humor and wisdom to an individual who can often be accused of being way too cool and easily disengaged. Gemini can lift the Fish from introspective moodiness and make it not so hard to figure.
Romance Recommendation:
Gemini and Pisces should appreciate each others’ differences. Gemini might have to patiently bring a Fish out of a “Gloomy Gus” day every once in awhile. Gemini having to slow down and care, is not such a bad thing. Pisces might have to stop moping and gear itself for the magician of communication, just to stay with the program and enjoy a partner who can spread some joy.
Conflict Quotient:
Pisces would want to avoid conflict. If they are forced into conflict, or to defend themselves, they can present a strongly felt, oceanic kind of suasion. They can get as nasty as they need to be, but what Gemini needs to watch out for is the fight that Pisces might keep waging, day after day after day, in other more quiet, but painful ways. The Twin is a debater extraordinaire, sarcasm personified. They are still always afraid that they might hurt too deeply. They often go too far and win the battle, but lose the war. This could be a very negative scenario.
Peace Parlay:
Life in the end is repetitive and mundane, and so is Romance itself. This factor asks the question: "Can we be bored together over the long term?" This is a very heartening factor. Pisces boring lazy evenings could be quite appealing to the emotionally overwrought Gemini. The tired Fish, the hassled Gemini, could be quite happy seeking out the quietude of a “boring” scene.
Keep Up The Interest Graph:
Gemini hates staleness. The Fish can be SO internal, that it lives on the inside and becomes a reluctant participant. Gemini can help with this deficit, and then actually end up benefitting from the Fish’s imagination. They can keep up the interest and also develop adaptability for each other.
Seven Year Itchiness:
There are some signs that by their nature are more stable in their love interests and family concerns, as time goes on. Others are not. A Fish can lose touch with itself sometimes, and then swim into the murky depths of a night club. It might be in the 7th year, or not. Gemini is very fluid and easily contemplates any possibility. The care that they have shown each other would be their protection.
ASTROCOMPATIBILITY POSSIBILITY RATING: 70% Positive Long Term - 70% Short Term. Mutual attraction can definitely happen right off the bat. If these two do not implode with a lack of tolerance, patience and the miasma of emotionalism, they could be a sweet couple.