She wants to kiss me....
Full, lush, soft lips on mine..
Our first kiss sent me to places I had forgotten about.
when I close my eyes, I see her naked, cool brown skin...
I hear a waterfall in the background...feel warmth in the air and the sun
falls warmly on her skin.
As much as I am restless, wandering and not sure where I fit in this world,
when I am with her, I am home.
She wants me....
yearns for my tongue, my fingers, my cock...
As I lie on top of her and push in so slowly,
she sighs, groans and reaches for my harness to pull me closer, deeper.
Never, ever enough of her.
She consumes me...
with her eyes, her hands, her words..
we talk of travels, of her writing and her place in this new world she is exploring.
Her fears, doubts....I am so possessed by her.
Her smell lingers in my nostrils, her voice in my ears and her lips on my nipples.
She loves me....
Worries about my health...asks if I'm being fulfilled...needs to text me, talk to me
needs me. It's been so long since someone has needed me. I need her...
I am so flawed but that doesn't stop her from loving me. As afraid as she is of all the possibilities, the consumptions as we entwine our hearts, our souls....
she Loves me.
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