Tuesday, July 19, 2011

It's a dull thud in my heart now.
Finally disillusioned
All promise forgotten and swept under my memories
A love unattainable...a dream unfulfilled.

I don't understand the cruelty of the winds
to have been so close and yet....

Eventually the truth will be unveiled but for now..
I walk and breath in the shadow of what was promised
but not walked upon.

Bitterness and steel are in my heart now.
Protective shields for healing.
I lay a flower at the foot of our grave...
a dream lost...goodbye my love.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Winds of Promise

Inside myself again....keep quiet...don't voice the swirl of emotions.
lips that once met with electricity,
bodies entwined in passion,
placed on a shelf....until?

The craving deep in my belly, yells at me for release.
control your urgings, your needs...your fantasy's.
Live in a glass house made of clear cellophane...
fill yourself with distractions....

I am not a single leaf...but am forced to float on winds coming from the south.

Remembrance of yearnings...passions...catch my breath with excitement..
obsession...asked to tame and control my very being.

I open my legs my heart ....wanting to go deeper...to catch my breath within

your eyes ...your touch...

put a lid on it you dreamy girl....you watery Pisces....no fluidity needy here!

Play in my yard you say for I no longer am apart of you....separate

single leaf floating all alone on winds that no longer swirl in promise and I am

waiting.....waiting....waiting....I am the sentry of winds that once promised

bliss.....waiting in hope of a renewed strong northerly breeze

of passion...of what bound us.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Believe Again

Perhaps fate has decreed a holiday from all the pain and striff.
Perhaps we are weary and no longer wish to continue a battle dance of wills
or perhaps....we have truly found each others bright lights of self and awareness.

I do know you are struggling again with a new challenge. A challenge that could end how you feel for me.
It is scary for me at times but I take comfort in the knowing I see in your eyes that is only for me. Even though you may feel you've lost something between us, your lips tell a different story.
Your hunger is still ever present even if it takes me a little longer to reach it.

When my hands find you, I feel that presents..that energy that is only mine. I smile at that knowledge and wait for you to believe again.